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Sei Teil der 1. Permanent Make-up Meisterschaft,
die nur für PMU-ArtistInnen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz ist!
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sorgenfreien Leben nur ein Traum bleibt?
Dann bist du genau richtig hier!
Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Welt dein Talent sieht! Mit dieser Online-Meisterschaft, die zum 1. Mal exklusiv im deutschsprachigen Raum stattfindet, schaffst du den Sprung auf die internationale Bühne!
Exklusiv für PMU-ArtistInnen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz
Die GewinnerInnen kommen direkt ins Halbfinale der PMU-Weltmeisterschaft "WULOP" 2024
Zusätzlich erhalten die ersten 3 Plätze jeder Kategorie neuestes exklusives PMU-Equipment (Maschine, Nadeln, Pigmente uvm.)
LIVE-Webinare für alle TeilnehmerInnen zu den Themen Pigmentologie, Social Media und Fotografie
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Printable Workbook (29 pages)
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Step-By-Step Guide (52 pages)
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"I've tried a lot of things over the years, but this one really stands out. The author has a great writing style that's both informative and engaging. I love that I can print out the exercises and work through them on my own time."
"I would highly recommend this guide to anyone looking to improve their mental health and well-being. The author's approach is practical, compassionate, and effective. I feel like I've gained a whole new perspective on myself and my life after reading this."
"As someone who's struggled with self-doubt and anxiety, I found this guide to be incredibly helpful. The author shares her own personal experiences and provides actionable advice that anyone can use. "
"This guidebook is a game-changer! I love that I can print out the worksheets and journal prompts and work through them at my own pace. The author has a great way of breaking down complex concepts into manageable steps."
"I'm absolutely loving this self-help guide! It's packed with practical tips and exercises that have really helped me to shift my mindset and make positive changes in my life. I've recommended it to all my friends!"
"This guidebook is a game-changer! I love that I can print out the worksheets and journal prompts and work through them at my own pace. The author has a great way of breaking down complex concepts into manageable steps."
So, will this work for me?
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